Date: October 5, 2017
Branch: EWRF HQ
Event: EWRF Past Presidential Council
Venue: EWRF HQ, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, Kuala Lumpur
For the first time in the history of EWRF, a past presidential council has been formed. EWRF President, Mr. S. P. Nathan hosted the first council meeting at the headquarters, with former EWRF leaders YB Tan Sri Dato Marimuthu (1979 – 1981 & 1984 – 1986), Dato’ N. Sadasivan (1986 – 1988), Dato’ Rommel Josef (1988 – 1990), Datuk R. Karunakaran (2000 – 2002), Mr. S. Pasupathi (2006 – 2010) and Dato’ A. Yogesvaran (2010 – 2014) among the attendees. The purpose of forming the council is to capture institutional memory as well as to tap into the wealth of experience and resources these former leaders possess. In addition to that, the past presidential council would serve as advisors to guide the central council members on EWRF’s strategic direction. After the meeting which turned out to be a warm and nostalgic reunion, Mr. Nathan gave the past presidents a mini tour around the newly renovated resource centre at the EWRF headquarters.