A 20 week programme designed to develop self-belief by learning the English language
All They Need Is A Little Encouragement To Believe In Themselves
All They Need Is A Little Encouragement To Believe In Themselves
A Little About The Programme
English for Juniors started all the way back in 2009 to address the issue of poor literacy in the English language among the National Type Tamil school students. This is a 20-week programme conducted in school for underachieving children where they are exposed to the English Language through fun learning with the aim of becoming familiar by using up to 200 new English words by the end of the 20 weeks. Other components of this programme are the Educational Tour, D.A.R.E. Competition and Achiever’s Day.
Project Overview
The English language is a powerful tool by which children from poor households can use to develop confidence and self-believe necessary to be successful among their peers. Unless helped, these children are at risk of academic difficulties and often fall behind other children who don’t suffer from an impoverished language learning environment at home.
We believe that all children are born equal, all they need is an equal opportunity to discover their inherent capabilities and one of these capability is learning. With E4J, children who have been mistaken to be low performers are taken in and taught the joy of learning with fun modules in English. Specially trained facilitators and teachers guide each child to develop self confidence and to believe in themselves.
As a core component of the English For Juniors programme, 3 hour weekly classes are held in school for a class of 20 students maximum. These classes are held for a duration of 20 weeks. At the end of the programme, each child would be exposed to a minimum of 200 new English words. The image on your right will give you an idea of how this programme is carried out.
At the end of the 20 week programme, all E4J students meet at one central location to celebrate their achievement by performing and expressing various art forms like singing, dancing, impersonating on stage in English. This is where we are able to see the power of language and how it can transform lives as children who used to be timid and shy look forward to shining on stage with beaming confidence and newly discovered joy for learning. The image above will give you an idea of the atmosphere experienced at this carnival.
Each and every student are given a recognition and presented with an award rewarding them for their commitment, discipline and accomplishment at the end of the programme.
Project Details
20 Weeks
All over Malaysia
Lower Primary School Children
No of Participants per Group